Τμήμα Οργάνωσης και Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων - Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών

Άρθρα σε Επιστημονικά Συνέδρια

Τα μέλη του εργαστηρίου έχουν σημαντική παρουσία σε κορυφαία διεθνή συνέδρια (π.χ. Academy of Management Conference, Strategic Management Society Conference, British Academy of Management Conference, EGOS, International Business Academy Conference, European International Business Academy Conference, European Academy of Management Conference), σε διάφορους ρόλους είτε ως συγγραφείς, αξιολογητές, πρόεδροι συνεδριάσεων κλπ. Στη συνέχεια παρατίθενται τα άρθρα που έχουν παρουσιαστεί σε διεθνή συνέδρια την τελευταία πενταετία: 

2018 - 2020

1. Dimitropoulou, M., Martidou, M. and Manolopoulos, D (2018)., Beyond Location Theories: The Way Forward, in 45th Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland) Annual Conference, AIB, Birmingham, UK.
2. Dimitropoulou, M., Martidou, M. and Manolopoulos, D., (2018), Revisiting Dunning: A Conceptual Overview of Typology of Location Studies, in ‘International Business Strategies in a Commercial and Business Landscape’, 45th Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland) Annual Conference, AIB, Birmingham, UK.
3. Ebner, N., Kapoutsis, I., Lewicki, R., Manwaring, M., & Schneider, A. (2019). Community conversation: The impact of Donald Trump's Presidency on teaching negotiation. 32th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), July 7-10, 2019.
4. Elbanna, S., Thanos, I.C. and Abdel-Maksoud, A. (2019). Effects of participation and flexibility on organizational innovation: An empirical investigation in the Middle East context. 19th European Academy of Management conference, July 5-7, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
5. Kalokassis, E., Papalexandris, A. (2019) The social network antecedents of knowledge retrieval. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-28.
6. Kalokassis, E., Papalexandris, A. (2019) The Network Underpinnings of Knowledge Retrieval: The impact of brokers and central inventors of two distinct networks. XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Montreal, Quebec, June 18-23.
7. Kapoutsis, I., Lampaki, A., & Volkema, R. (2019). Motives for negotiation initiation: Understanding and managing the motives to initiate negotiations. 32th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), July 7-10, 2019.
8. Kapoutsis, I., Lampaki, A., & Volkema, R. (2019). Motives for negotiation initiation: Understanding and managing the motives to initiate negotiations. 32th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), Dublin, Ireland: July 7-10, 2019.
9. Kapoutsis, I., Lampaki, A., & Volkema, R. (2019). The initiation of negotiations: Understanding and managing five sources of motivation. 19th Conference of European Academy of Management (EURAM), June 26-28, 2019.
10. Lampaki A., Kapoutsis, I., & Papadakis V. (2018). Tactics for successfully implementing strategic decisions: A moderated mediation model. 38th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Paris, France: September 22-25.
11. Manolopoulos, D., Peitzika, E. and Kapnias, I., (2019), Hotel Employees’ Turnover Intentions and Work-related Attitudes from a Psychological Contract Perspective: The Moderating Role of Contract Type, International Business’ 10th International Annual Conference in International Business’, ICIB, Thessaloniki, Greece.
12. Mark, T., Angwin, D., Thanos, I.C. (2019). Mapping the speed variations of the post-merger change management process through critical incident methodology. 19th European Academy of Management conference, July 5-7, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
13. Mark, T., Angwin, D., Thanos, I.C. (2018). Expecting unexpected events: identifying kairic moments in post-merger integration in M&As. 34th European Group for Organization Studies conference, July 5-7, Tallinn, Estonia, 2018.
14. Mark, T., Angwin, D., Thanos, I.C. (2018). Is this a good time? The roles of chronos and kairos in the speed(s) of post-merger integration, 18th European Academy of Management conference, June, 20-22, Reykjavik, Iceland.
15. Urs, U., Thanos, IC., Angwin D. (2020). Are mergers the tools for future sustainability of the charity sector in the UK?, 35th European Group for Organization Studies conference, Hamburg, Germany 2-4 July 2020.
16. Vourloumis, S. (2018). ‘Understanding Ourselves and Our Place in the World - Identity Distinctiveness, Institutional Configurations and Resource Acquisition Strategies of New Ventures’, Academy of Management (AOM) Specialized Conference: From Start-up to Scale-up. Tel Aviv, Israel, December 17-19.
17. Vourloumis, S., I. Thanos, & V. Papadakis (2019). ‘Being Bold or Playing it Safe? Understanding How Firms Respond to Inconsistent Performance Feedback Signals’. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference. Frankfurt, Germany, June 13-15



1. Dimitropoulou, M. and D. Manolopoulos, “Comparative Study of European Industrial Relations: The Case of Greece”, presented at 2017 International Business Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2018.
2. Dimitropoulou, M., D. Manolopoulos and M. Martidou, “Revisiting Dunning: A Conceptual Overview of Typology of Location Studies”, presented at 2018 Academy of International Business Conference. Birmingham, UK, April 2018.
3. Dimitropoulou, M., D. Manolopoulos and M. Martidou, “Beyond Location Theories: The Way Forward”, presented at 2018 Academy of International Business Conference (AIB), Birmingham, UK, April 2018.
4. Ellen III, P., Frieder, R., Kapoutsis, I., & Hochwarter, W. (2017). Employee performance as a multiplicative function of political motivation, ability, and context. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA, August 4-8, 2017.
5. Lampaki, A., I. Kapoutsis and V. Papadakis, ‘Tactics for Successfully Implementing Strategic Decisions: A Moderated Mediation Model, paper accepted for presentation at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Paris, Sept. 2018.
6. Volkema, R. & Kapoutsis, I. (2017). The art of the deal: A case analysis of Donald Trump’s negotiations for the U.S. Presidency. 30th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, Berlin, Germany, July 9-13, 2017.
7. Vourloumis, S. and V. Papadakis, “The Pursuit of Power: Coalitions, Coalitional Politics and Strategic Decision Making”, presented at the 2017 Strategic Management Society Conference, Houston, Texas, Oct. 2017.


1. Dimitropoulou, M., E. Goniotaki, A. Ntourantzi, K. Papanikolaou and D. Manolopoulos. “The Moderating Role of Competition Intensity on Subsidiaries’ Adoption of Environmental Practices” presented at the 2016 Academy of International Business Conference (AIB), London, UK, April 2016.
2. Giakoulas, D., C. Kottaridi, and D. Manolopoulos, ‘The Eclectic Paradigm Revisited: Complementarities and Substantiality between Ownership and Locational Advantages in Outward FDI’, presented at 2016 European and International Business Academy Conference (EIBA), Vienna, Austria, December 2016.
3. Kapoutsis, I., Papalexandris, A. Thanos, I. ‘The relationship of influence tactic ambidexterity and managers' performance and the boundary role of political skill’. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Paris, France, June 1-3 2016.
4. Manolopoulos, D. “The Relationship Between Technology Sourcing and Subsidiaries’ Financial Performance: A Neural Network Approach” presented at the 2016 Academy of International Business Conference (AIB), London, UK, April 2016
5. Shaughnessy, B.*, & Kapoutsis, I.* (2016). Negotiator political skill: A two-study exploration into subjective value. 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, New York, USA, June 26-29, 2016. *Shared first authorship.
6. Vourloumis, S. and V. Papadakis, “Decision-making processes and exploration/exploitation-oriented strategic decisions: An actor-centered perspective”, presented at the 2016 European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), Paris 31 May-4 June 2016.


1. Manolopoulos, D. and P. Dimitratos, “The Effect of Firm Characteristics, Industry Drivers and Environmental Influences on Export Intensity: An Analysis of MNE Affiliates”, presented at 2015 European and International Business Academy Conference (EIBA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2015.
2. Manolopoulos, D., K. Kitsopoulos, J. Kaldellis and A. Bitzenis, “The Evolution of Renewable Energy Sources in the Electricity Sector of Greece”, presented at 2015 European Conference on ‘Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES), Antalya, Turkey, 2015
3. Sofikitis, E., D. Manolopoulos, and P. Dimitratos, “Single or Hybrid Career Paths of MNC RD&E Employees?, presented at 2015 Academy of International Business Conference (AIB), Manchester, UK, April 2015.
4. Thanos, I. and V. Papadakis, ‘The Interplay between Rationality and Intuition in Strategic Decision Processes’, paper presented at the 2015 Strategic Management Society Conference in Denver Colorado, 3-6 October 2015.


1. Epitropaki, O., Kapoutsis, I., Ferris, G., Drivas, K., & Ntotsi, A. (2014). Navigating on uneven terrain: political skill, LMX differentiation and employee outcomes. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA August 1-5, 2014.
2. Kapoutsis, I., A.Papalexandris, A. Lampaki and V. Papadakis, ‘Unravelling the Mediating Role of Relationship Conflict on Politics Perceptions - Job Outcomes Relationships in Low and High Levels of Political Skill: Results of a Moderated Mediation Approach’, paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris 8-13 July, 2014.
3. Kapoutsis, I., Elbanna, S., & Melahi, K. (2014). Positive politics and strategic decision making outcomes: The moderating role of context. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA, August 1-5, 2014.
4. Lampaki, A. and V. Papadakis, ‘Implementation Process Success Through Employees’ Consensus: The Moderating Role of Social Context and Strategic Consensus’, paper presented at the 2014 Strategic Management Society Special Conference in Copenhagen, 13-15 June 2014.
5. Manolopoulos, D. and C. Soulis, “The Concept of Technology in International Business Research”, presented at 2014 International Annual Conference in International Business (ICIB), Thessaloniki, April 2014.
6. Manolopoulos, D. and C. Kottaridi, “The Impact of Institutional Context on Firms’ Export Behavior”, presented at 2014 European and International Business Academy Conference (EIBA), Uppsala, Sweden, December 2014.
7. Sapouna, P., D. Manolopoulos and P. Dimitratos, “Determinants of the International Mobility of R&D Professionals in Multinational Corporations”, presented at 2014 British Academy of Management Conference (BAM), Dublin, UK, September 2014.



1. Dimitratos, P., D. Manolopoulos and E. Plakoyannaki, presented at 2013 European and International Business Academy Annual Conference (EIBA), Bremen, Germany, December 2015
2. Epitropaki, O., Kapoutsis, I., & Drivas, K. (2013). Political skill, LMX, LMX Differentiation and employee outcomes. 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Huston, Texas, USA, April 11-13, 2013.
3. Kapoutsis, I., Volkema, R., & Nikolopoulos, A. (2013). The role of affect and bargaining power on negotiation initiation. 27th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), July 4-7, 2013.
4. Kapoutsis I., Papalexandris A. and Nikolopoulos A. Influence on the Extremes and the Moderating Role of Political Skill: A Multi-Level Study. Eastern Academy of Management Conference, 2013, June 23-27, Seville, Spain.
5. Kapoutsis I., Papalexandris A. and Treadway D. New Developments in the Research of Political Skill (PS): Individual, Team and Cultural Considerations: Political Will - Multi-Dimensional Scale Development and Multi-Sample Validation. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Conference (EAWOP), 2013, May 22-25, Munster, Germany.
6. Mell J., Jansen J., Kostopoulos K. and Papalexandris A. Leading Exploratory Innovation: The Roles of Learning Orientation and Formalization. Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2013, April 11-13, Houston, Texas.
7. Papalexandris A., Kapoutsis I. and Papadakis V. Bringing Rational Routines in Political Settings: How Political Rationality can Moderate the Politics Perceptions Relationship with Job Stress and Job Satisfaction. Paper Presented at the 13th EURAM Conference entitled Democratizing Management, 2013, June 26-29, Istanbul, Turkey.



1. Dimitratos P. and Manolopoulos D. Funding Sources for Decentralized R&D Activity: Evidence from MNE Subsidiaries in the European Periphery. European International Business Academy Conference, 2012, December, Brighton, UK,
2. Jansen J., Kostopoulos K.C., Mihalache O.R. and Papalexandris A. How Do Psychological Factors Affect Team Ambidexterity? A Cross-Level Examination of Organizational Contextual Influences. Academy of Management Conference, 2012, August 3-7, Boston, Massachusetts.
3. Kapoutsis I., Papalexandris A. and Treadway D. Measuring Political Will: Theoretical Construct Development and Empirical Validation. Academy of Management Conference, 2012, August 3-7, Boston, Massachusetts.
4. Kostopoulos K., Jansen J. and Papalexandris, A. Team Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Outcomes: The Role of Team Social Integration. Academy of Management Conference, 2012, August 3-7, Boston, Massachusetts.
5. Manolopoulos D., and Thanos I. The Influence of Post-Modernism on Strategic Decision Making Processes. Strategic Management Society Conference, 2012, Prague.
6. Manolopoulos D., Sapouna P. and Sofikitis M. Global Staffing Practices for Knowledge Professionals: Key Drivers for the Selection of International Assignees. European International Business Academy Conference, 2012, December, Brighton, UK.
7. Miller C., Thanos I. and Papadakis V. CEO Risk-Taking Propensity and the Quality of Strategic Decisions: Effects of Living on the Wild Side, Strategic Management Society Conference, 2012, Prague. Το άρθρο αυτό έχει προταθεί για το βραβείο Strategic Management Society Best Conference Paper Award.


1. Christodoulou I. and Papadakis V., Coming out from the Shadow: An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing the Roles of Middle Managers. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management, 2011.
2. Kapoutsis I., Papalexandris A., Thanos I. and Nikolopoulos A. The Effect of Political Tactics on the Organizational Context - Subjective Career Success Relationship. Academy of Management Conference, 2011, August 12-16, San Antonio, Texas.
3. Sapouna P., Sofikitis M. and Manolopoulos, D. Environmental Considerations of Subsidiaries' Corporate Strategy: The Impact of the Organizational Context. European International Business Academy Conference, 2011, December, Bucharest, Romania.
4. Sofikitis M., Manolopoulos D. and Dimitratos P. The Dilemma of Single or Hybrid Career Path Choice among MNC Knowledge Professionals. Academy of International Business Conference, 2011, April, Edinburgh, Scotland.
5. Sofikitis M. and Manolopoulos D. Export Propensity: The Impact of Domestic Country Factors and Organizational Determinants during the Period of Economic Recession. European International Business Academy Conference, 2011, December, Bucharest, Romania,.
6. Thanos I., Miller C., and Papadakis V. Decision Comprehensiveness and the Outcomes of Firms: A Quantitative Synthesis of Several Decades of Research. Strategic Management Society, 2011, Miami, USA.
7. Thanos I., and Papadakis V. The Influence of Multiple Layers of Context on Decision Comprehensiveness and the Moderating Role of CEO Characteristics. British Academy of Management, 2011, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
8. Volkema, R., Kapoutsis, I., & Nikolopoulos, A. (2011). Initiation behavior in negotiations: The moderating role of motivation on the ability-intentionality relationship. 24th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, Istanbul, Turkey, July 3-6, 2011.



1. Dimitratos P., Petrou A., Papadakis V. and Thanos I. Strategy Processes, Environmental Determinism and Performance in Internationalized SMEs. Seventh Annual JIBS /Academy of International Business Studies Paper Development Workshop (PDW), 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2. Dimitratos P., Manolopoulos D. and Young S. The Impact of Firm – Level Characteristics, Industry Drivers and Environmental Influences on Export Intensity: An Analysis from the Subsidiary Perspective. Academy of International Business Conference, 2010, April. Dublin, Ireland,
3. Dimitratos P., Papadakis V., Petrou A. and Thanos I. An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Strategy Making Processes on the Performance of Internationalized SMEs”, European International Business Academy, 2010, Porto, Portugal. This paper was selected along with another 14 among 300 papers and was included in the progress in International Business Research, vol. 6, published by Emerald.
4. Elbanna S., Thanos I. and Papadakis V. Politicization in strategic Decision Making. Evidence from Different Settings. Academy of Management, 2010, Montreal, Canada.
5. Kapoutsis I., Papalexandris A. and Nikolopoulos A. Influence Tactic Ambidexterity for Achieving Performance. The Moderating Role of Political Skill. Academy of Management Conference, 2010, August 6-10, Montreal, Canada.
6. Sapouna P., Manolopoulos D. and Dimitratos P. Being an Expatriate: Influential Factors in MNC Subsidiaries. European International Business Academy Conference, 2010, December, Lisbon, Portugal,.
7. Thanos I., Papadakis V. and Miller C. The Effects of Strategic Decision Processes. A Broad Examination of Contextual Boundary Conditions Strategic Management Society, 2010, Rome, Italy. Το άρθρο αυτό έχει προταθεί για το βραβείο Strategic Management Society best conference paper award.



1. Kapoutsis I., and Papalexandris A. Achieving job performance by combining hard and soft influence tactics: The moderating role of political skills. British Academy of Management, 2009, September 15-17, Brighton.

2. Manolopoulos D., Dimitratos P. and Sapouna P. International Assignment Directions of R&D Employees in Multinational Enterprise Subsidiaries, European International Business Academy Conference, 2009, December, Valencia, Spain.


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